besides johnqt there is not many IGL replacements
I guess you could take a risk on Flyuh but he was only good for one split, or pick up vanity for the experience.
yay best igl
not many good igls in emea or apac either
Fr. It has been the same igls for seasons, there have been no new igls for any region in the past years.
there will be igl prospects in a year guaranteed
especially in apac I heard xeta was calling not 100% sure tho
youngest IGL/AWP flex itw
forgot about the GOAT steel 🐐🐐🐐
mom wake up new alt account is out
mom wake up c9 didnt qualify for the lan event again
Fluyh is goated idk watchu on about
he was good but only for one split, I think orgs would rather see long term consistency
Flyuh, Poised, and Vanity are also good
basically all the igls in NA r mid except fns. boostio is good but hes more of a fragging igl with his calls being very sus and inconsistent
check the eg videos his calls are great his midrounding is good he knows where the enemies are
Marved would be the best IGL next year.