Should i overwork myself for this semester or nah
idk how your school system works but imo the early parts of the year should be you working on finding a routine / method that works for you and getting really good at using your time. Our school system starts september ish so and finishes late july so idk if you're just starting or finishing or what. But if your exams arent near, focus on getting into a good study routine, find out what method of learning works best for you, create systems that make it really easy to review material (subjective to your course) start turning your notes into a huge bank of questions, ie if you studied biology turn all your notes from a section (the brain) into questions that cover every area of knowledge you need to remember.
Grinding is never good as your brain isn't just a sponge that can absorb everything you throw at it, most of the time you are just going to either be overwhelmed or not working at your full potential. Also 8 hours sleep MINIMUM as your brain consolidates information while you're sleeping, so being sleep deprived means you can study more but you have way less retention. Study less and sleep more :)