Leo is 0 - 5 against ardiis unlucky for boaster tbh.
He destroyed them he had also it 20 kills more than every player not just nrg both teams he had kills in the 70’s in just 3 maps he genuinely might of got more kills than something did when he was smudging in the Japanese league if nrg were actually able to put up a fight and win 2 maps to at least make it close so chronicle could easily hit 100+ he was averaging almost 25 kills or maybe he was I can’t remember exactly in a grand final he was smurfing against nrg in a grand final and Leo also owned nrg when he played against them in coppenhagen nrg have a 0-2 loss against fnatic players and they haven’t even been able to get a map
Saying crashies is better than Leo and victor better than alfajer shows you know nothing about valorant victor is the most overrated player in history he’s good but that’s it he’s too inconsistent and even at his best he’s at most on the same level as fnatics 4 star players playing at their normal level and crashies has gone from an underrated player to a overrated player he’s not on the same level as leo those insane clutches taht crashies does every few games fnatics players do higher level clutches than that every game at least 1 a map too no nrg player is top 10 in there world with only maybe crashies barely sneaking into 10th while all of fnatics 4 star players are top 7 in the world alongside aspas, less and mako
FNS > Boaster (IGL diff, both are trash aimers)
Crashies<= Leo (crashies still top 3 itw)
Victor < Chronicle (alot closer than people would think, vic very good)
ardiis < Derke (derke slight clear altough aspas still better kkkkkkkkkkk)
som = alfa (fragging potential about the same)
chet >> mini (mini lost to SEN Shazham as a coach)