very happy for sayaplayer and xeta that they made a huge turnaround. they looked awful at lock in and the tarik event so I did not have much faith in them
it’s called, the Pacific
t1 basically NA team xeta ex c9 saya ex t1 na and guard muchkin ex t1 na ban ex knight
thats why they can beat 1 team region
Since when is Munchkin ex T1 NA? I don’t think he ever played a match for Boston Uprising so he has never played for NA
I mean Carpe, Sayaplayer, Xeta, and Ban played in the NA region competitively.
Ehhh philly was in pacific for his few final years in owl. But yeah essentially.
? They didn’t rebrand to Seoul Infernal till this year
They still played pacific after shock 3peat. They kept philly name for some reason. NYXL was also pacific for some time.
It’s obvious they would turn it around. They are an NA team, it is easy for them to smurf Pacific
ez for my bois