-split: double duelist comp on split is easy to counter
-haven: double controller haven comp with skye is weak
-lotus: gekko is dogshit, but their old comp is shit as well (only won Flukenatic bcuz they didnt know how to play against)
-ascent: good map for them, glad they went back to their old comp: (cauanzin best odin player itw helps)
-pearl: they created the meta, but some teams are using this meta in a better way
-bind: they sucked at bind, I don't think it'll be different
-icebox: they seem to be the best icebox itw right now, but they'll remove this map anyway (For Braindead Flukenatic fans: they didn't use the same comp they're using right now against them)
-fracture: I don't think their fracture is that bad, they only lost to top 3 teams in it (flukenatic and DRX) they also prob fixed their issues and aspas will play neon in it. Idk why they're banning it anyway.