Ok so aspas has been streaming eu rankeds for a while
Tell us all about what he has said about this region plz (the pro teams, level of ranked, if people are actually good or toxic, has he tried any new foods, ANYTHING)
Saad, Tuyz, and Less don't like rankeds in EU that much - never heard cauanzin saying anything about that. Less said that sometimes she goes against immortals that play like platinum. Aspas is aspas, he is having fun it doesn't matter much where tbh.
It's understandable since EU ranked there are way more people, speaking different languages, it's easier to play against someone that is part of the "what the actual fuck you doing in this rank" pack.
I remember when Less and Saad asked on two different occasions to Aspas on stream: "do you actually like playing on this server" (Less was really tilted cause of things like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXOGMQO5ZGo) and Aspas said yes, just because Aspas have fun doesn't matter much where. If you watch his stream you will see that he's always laughing at anything.
I think that Aspas is kinda bored of BR ranked because it's mostly always the same people at a high level (mostly pro-players as the server has way less people than EU/NA) and he likes this kind of interaction. Before Less and Tuyz went to the bootcamp they were playing duo on BR server and lost a lot in sequence, they went 13-1 in one map against mwzera (This happened when Less streamed for the first time) and other players. It's kinda "stacked" as it's less people.
he likes it
in this video less explains why Aspas likes EU ranked
he says its because everyone rushes and aspas is a rusher
Aspas loves to play in EU because European players know how to default while a lot of Brazilians don't. He doesn't like Brazilian ranked and he said that he won't play ranked when they comeback to Brazil.
Less hates EU ranked because there a lot of European players that are high ping abusers that rush onto you.
Tuyz dislikes EU ranked for the same reason above.
Saadhak thinks that EU ranked is better than BR but he still gets mad for brain dead decisions of some players.