toast should have picked THE NATION rather than some bunch of randoms. thoughts?
I'm not shitting dude relax. You sound confused.
Im just saying that if he's to be the duelist of the team ( wich seems like it) he should be able to do better.
He got 4 kills the whole Icebox map. 4 freaking kills.
I'm not saying that HE CAN'T be good, but he should be doing better.
Specially when ppl like you that say the's the best player on the team
im not confused, youre typing as if youre shitting on him
and wtf are you even saying??? hes was not A MAIN DUELIST. and noone else in the team plays duelist.
you keep talking about this map and ignores all the others ones where he was the best.
and im saying hes the best player, because he is. anyone is beyond delusional if they think someone like exalt or genghsta is better, we can say xxif is better but hes not showing his true potential