Enjoying Val

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It seems like that ppl on this site write about their own games only in bad ways. It's important to focus on good games to.
I think that we can all agree that we have good teammates sometimes and that we have crazy win streaks but we just don't see a reason to talk about them. Like noone opens vlr to write that he enjoyed the games today. But everyone goes on vlr to say how shitty are those reyna mains in their lobbys.

Edit: this can apply to almost every activity u do. Work, school...
Just remember to think about good stuff too


yeah true. i have been shit in game this week but getting good teammates that have carried me to 80% win rate this week. its definitely not that bad. in fact its mostly good. we should appreciate good things too, we dont always get those toxic insta lockers.


Glad we are sharing same opinion
Some ppl might call us naive but I believe that it's important to look after good things

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