what if riot change it to best of 4 instead of best of 2
I don't think it will change.
then it would go on for too long, 2 is perfectly fair, why would we make it 4 rounds
cuz 2 is horrible
but why though? It means each team has to get a defense and attack round so it's no unfair, how does more make it better? Would having 100 overtime be optimal?
i mean only 13 rounds is already ass + only 2 rounds of difference on ot
holy shit the games will average from 30-40 minutes to 30-fucking forever
Bo2 are way better.. CSGo overtime are boring..
nah , they are epic Nrg vs Astralis vibes
i came from cs viewership and the actual format is better than cs yes in my opinion best of 2 ot are really good and don't need changes :)
Maybe bo 4 would be more fair but bo 2 is so fucking entertaining to watch
Nah... keep the bo2 OT, it's okay
3 would be better , 2 rounds is ass they should chamge this shit but i dont think they will
3 wouldn't be OT xD
not necessarily 3 , but csgo overtime system . Wich is way better