is it still 2 slots for champs? if yes, why the heck riot
It's because Asia has 4 confirmed spots already right? KR(DRX), JP(ZETA/NTH), and PRX and XEXIA. How much more do you want??????? 2 more form each LCQs will suffice.
SA meanwhile has only 2 confirmed slots, 2 more from LCQ. Is it that difficult to udnerstand?
Stop being greedy and look how many slots Asia already has before the LCQ.
there is a higher population and more countries in asia than the entire of both south and north america. i think its fair considering that there are many teams that belong there. Also, im not saying that i want the spot from the SA LCQ to go to the east asia lcq, i suggested that they should give the second slot to the winners of masters 2 because it means that an extra team from a certain region can go and it makes the event more exciting.
why the fuck are you still talking about populations when it doesnt fucking matter. BRO LOOK AT EMEA theres 2.2 billion people in that region and they still get 3 slots only, its not a matter of populations brothaaaaa, i suppose you wouldnt mind india and china having their own seperate regions like KR and JP where they could qualify from lmaooo
ok you want to talk populations? talk about india. talk about them bro! they have 59 million less than china yet they have 0 slots. OMG i guess riot doesnt care about population! because it doesnt fucking matter. its all viewership and how developed the esports is in that country. + game population is what matters more in esports because how the fuck would 1.3 billion people play valorant let alone watch it.
swiss system has been around since 1895, now i dont know about CS being around in 1895 but chess has been around, and has been tried and true for manyyy tournaments since then. i dont see any reason and therefore a problem in implementing this system that has worked for so long. why have 4 random groups which pisses off all the fans and just go with a simple solution? lol
I don't know if i phrased it wrong or you read it really bad.
I wasn't saying that is an exclusive system for cs (that was written literal). I was mentioning that cs tournaments use it and it works. Gotta put things in perspective and CSGO is a shooter, same as valorant, so i was just reinforcing the point that the system works in FPS tournaments.
The second point is just an opinion based on things you can read about "Riot trying to not be CS". Tell riot to implement the simple solution, not me. I'm all for a better system.
Looks like people gets insta triggered always when i mention csgo in my comments.
edit: typo for any "common" misunderstanding.