Pick'em created by captain567 on August 3, 2022 at 3:21 pm EDT
Upper Quarterfinals
The Guard
Points:  +5
Shopify Rebellion Black
Points:  0 / 5
FaZe Clan
Evil Geniuses
Points:  +5
NRG Esports
100 Thieves
Points:  +5
Upper Semifinals
The Guard
Shopify Rebellion Black
Points:  +10
FaZe Clan
100 Thieves
Points:  +10
Upper Final
The Guard
FaZe Clan
Points:  +15
Grand Final
The Guard
100 Thieves
Points:  +40
Lower Round 1
Points:  0 / 10
Evil Geniuses
NRG Esports
Points:  +10
Lower Round 2
100 Thieves
Points:  +15
Shopify Rebellion Black
NRG Esports
Points:  0 / 15
Lower Round 3
100 Thieves
NRG Esports
Points:  +20
Lower Final
FaZe Clan
100 Thieves
Points:  +30