imo the T2 scene after the franchise is gonna be doomed
if riot puts all of their resources in t1 when franchising is a thing like blizzard did with overwatch league and contenders, then there is no doubt that plenty of orgs will pull out, invevitably killing t2. i do have faith in riot however, to support t2 well enough that orgs stay and keep the second tier of competition healthy
Yeetus [#2]T2 LoL scene exists, and teams play in VRLs rn
yes but we'll never going to see a team like GUARD upsetting T1 teams and qualify for international events.
Yeetus [#2]T2 LoL scene exists, and teams play in VRLs rn
Literally no one watches T2 LoL except for EU Masters, and thats only because ex T1 players are going there
ait8k [#6]yes but we'll never going to see a team like GUARD upsetting T1 teams and qualify for international events.
riot knows what they are doing with val look how big LOL is and look how big val is in just 2 years just wait
dupreeeeeehalt [#8]if a team of five kazakhstanis or five albanians are good enough, they'll qualify to the world championship and win. you won't get to see such things in franchising
storylines like bad news eagles in csgo would be non existent
that's exactly the con of franchising which it's bad for a lot of up and coming teams
Matrix13e [#9]riot knows what they are doing with val look how big LOL is and look how big val is in just 2 years just wait
oh yes, look at the lcs for example
ait8k [#10]I'm just curious of what ppl think about it mr gyro
u didnt ask a question
u just went
t2 scene dead
riot done a decent job with vrls in EU
what makes u think it will not work in NA or APAC?