I realised as a Soloq player, the importance of my presence in the rounds and how I can't trust teammates at all. Chamber has the ability to create advantages and that's what Im going to be maining all day.
5 breach vs 5 breach in replication >
what relevance could this possibly have to the thread
5 breach vs 5 breach is better than everything your brain can perceive
Welcome to 1 Trick Chamber Club In the club you can find=> yay, WARDELL and me
Well I'm a Chamber main with Phantom coz spray control bangs
facts the kills you get from the spray makes up for the 140 imo
Hope you get better soon🙏
im on the fade pack ngl shes fun
Nightmare go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
it’s honestly perfect for soloQ. u can hold 3 angles by yourself, rotate safely, and never have to beg for a buy.
for some reason i can only frag on support roles its wack but i guess its very useful