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Have been watching Kanpeki play ranked and my first impression is that his game sense and utility usage is really really good, only thing he lacks is in aiming department. May be it's cz he is playing ranked and getting used to responding to chat at the same time or may be he just doesn't care like trent and aims lazily(it's a thing with lot of pros) or may be he is just not a great aimer? Regardless, I think he is a great addition to the team since he is very versatile and can unlock the full potential of other cracked aimers in the team like Shahz,TenZ and SicK.


I've been watching knights a lot and skuba great controller I was hoping to see him in place of zombs and sick still flex but ig not

kanpeki look like a good player but lets see


Skuba is great but honestly, I am happy that SicK moved away from flex agents like KayO, skye etc. I don't think he was feeling it on those agents, marved has really showed how controller can unlock a truly great player. I am excited to see how Kanpeki actually does in matches ngl


when you dont do crazy flicks on stream like tenz or asuna = bad aimer


SicK doesn't do crazy flicks either but no one can disagree that he has great aim. I have seen Kanpeki whiff a lot but then again it's just ranked. People take fights that you can't account for so I understand why someone could aim great in officials but not so good in ranked.


Yeah his AIM is not good. Dude plays Ranked games with ping 7 and still cannot stomp against ping 50 players, wtf.
First time I've seen such a bad pro player tbh.


He is good at aiming lmao I wouldn't take a majority of his ranked playtime as how he is going to look like in VCT


hes a p good aimer he was p good as jett but now he plays flex and hes a huge nerd with kayo lineups and whatnot


I'm gonna be honest, he doesn't look consistent in fights, but I don't trust what I see on players streams, so I'm excited for their first match, also got to say that SicK has been popping off in ranked as a duelist atleast, so if he can do what he does with a duelist similar when he plays Controller he will be top tier, tho I know just because he's been doing good in comp won't mean much in pro play, I hope they've improved their team plays and ability usage all together and I hope that Tenz plays Reyna atleast on 1 map with Shaz on Jett, judging by what Shahz said that he would be playing Jett on one or more maps, Dapr have also looked really good when he played with Tenz in ranked, seems like they all are starting together more in ranked, tho Kanpeki was reading chat more than concentrating on the game most of the time so my conclusion is basically I hope he surprises and they do good.


Sentinels 🙂

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