The real history behind Sacy

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saci, also known as saci-pererê, saci-cererê, matimpererê[1], matita perê, saci-saçurá and saci-trique[2][3], is a well-known character in Brazilian folklore. It has its presumed origin among the indigenous people of the Missões Region, in the south of the country, from where it would have spread throughout the Brazilian territory.

Saci is a young black man with only one leg, with a cap over his head that grants him magical powers. Regarding this last character, it should be noted that, already in Roman mythology, he recorded Petronius, in the Satyricon, whose cap also conferred powers on the incubus and rewards to those who captured him.[4]

Considered a playful figure, who makes fun of animals and people, making small pranks that create domestic difficulties, or scaring night travelers with his whistles – quite high-pitched and impossible to locate. This is how he braids the animals' hair, after making them tired with running around; it interferes with the cooks' work, causing them to burn the food, or even, putting salt in the sugar containers or vice versa; or travelers getting lost on the roads.[4] It is also given the ability to be carried by whirlpools.


who ate his leg ^_^!


LOUD saci-perere saci-cerere matimperere matita pere saci-sacura saci-trique boutta get his ass whooped by optic tomorrow


who ate his leg ^_^!

I've heard he lost it in a capoeira fight

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