PRX 2-1 Gold 2
This might be the easiest game for prx
ez pz lemon squeezy
Alright I get this, but who's to say that PRX will not also have done their research for this upcoming game against G2, I mean after all, in their game against Guard, PRX Benkai had a great read on the positioniong of TGRD players which contributed to some phenomenal lurks and flanks from him, I see Benkai again doing his research and dismantling G2's lurk. I see PRX winning this 2-1.
PRX also had some good defensive offense, iirc there was one round on Split where Forsaken pushed into B main while mindfreak was on B with his flash ready for the sage to peek off of Forsaken's contact. There are also evidence in mid where PRX would allow jing to push mid whilst staying in mail and vents ready to again peak of his contact.
I think the reason why it seemed that jjing would have solo aggresion of defence is because whenever he would aggro, he would get the kill, if he was to not get the kill, then we would've seen davai or someone peek, but since jjing is just diff, he wins the duel and the team has to do nothing.
However, I do agree LOUD aggression is wayyy more organised and planned.