Said it so many times yesterday that Optic is one of the best team in the tournament
Now can we show Optic some respect? People so blinded on the 2-0 lost of their first series that they refuse to acknowledge their INSANE form after that
Vct NA starts
Everyone proceed to start hate optic some common line as I have heard
Optic flukers will never touch a lan again
VCT NA ends
Optic qualified by coming 2nd
Masters start everyone optic so optic so bad X NA teams should have been there
VCT master's playoffs
1st seed team get destroyed (no hate to them)
After that every person from NA Be like optic will bring it home
Why so much Hate from the start just to at the end it's your last hope 💀
(NA last hope from beginning just people forget it about at the start of every tournament