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I'm a fan of japanese teams and I think if riot put japan in APAC it would benefit them very much because by putting them together with a lot stronger teams they'll eventually get better and better over time and once they're better they can have their slot again or smth : ) I think that would be better than them playing with each other and JP teams are weaker compared to other regions so if riot will continue to give them direct slots the same thing will just repeat 🔁 cause I think that being the worst alongside the best teams is better than being the best with the worst teams


It should be KR + JP not whole APAC at least

makoidk [#2]

It should be KR + JP not whole APAC at least

honestly, it would be super cool to have a whole Asia league if LANs are possible next year.

makoidk [#2]

It should be KR + JP not whole APAC at least

I also thought of that but if you put KR and JP together wouldn't the very very very huge skill gap stop JPs growth? I think JP can manage with APAC teams and improve over time but I think putting them with KR would stunt their growth
Look at ZETA vs DRX last night for example : ( Zeta could only get 3 rounds max

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