Seven leaks TSM comps on three maps (prob old comps but it’s still something)
2:34 onwards
juno_VLR [#6]seven rossy corey subroza are all very versatile. if they get a solid fifth they may do okay. i just hope we haven’t seen the last of Wardell in pro play.
GMD seems to be the 5th
Depressed_TSM_Fan [#8]Rossy is the sova, seven is chamber Jett, and GmD Flex
wouldn't gmd be the smokes and subroza the flex?
TomiZubi [#9]wouldn't gmd be the smokes and subroza the flex?
Roza was playing Viper on icebox, and GMD was playing flex agents in Ranked. But it’s just assumptions
Depressed_TSM_Fan [#10]Roza was playing Viper on icebox, and GMD was playing flex agents in Ranked. But it’s just assumptions
oh ok, makes sense
gmd is a great addition to any team
juno_VLR [#6]seven rossy corey subroza are all very versatile. if they get a solid fifth they may do okay. i just hope we haven’t seen the last of Wardell in pro play.
best team NA