How Jett get her Dash charged after 2 Frags but Brimstone do not get any Ability recharged when killing 1 or 2 People or even after a while like Breach Stun, Sage Heal, Sova Recon?
I want an official statement!
I was actually thinking about this the other day. Literally every agent in the game besides Brimstone has a rechargable ability.
but reyna can reuse her orbs infinitely after killing someone with ult brim is just those skills and that's it
A true Leader doesn't need a second one
noone cares about that agent noone even uses him
your iron then
no im bronze
damn, who boosted you? lmao
log off pls
its his name
you are offical weird!
brimmy with the stimmy
ah yes, rito totally needs to explain this to a random person on!
i think recharging abilities by kills is strictly a duelist thing