Thoughts on who will win?
i think guard take first map and optic win out 2-1 cuz optic and split arent really the best combo
The Guard
If optic perform like they did against C9, them. If they fall apart (also possible), Guard.
Guard 2-1 13-7 9-13 13-11
Yeah. Guard either looks really good or really bad. Rooting for them though, personally. :)
2-1 either way
I think Optic wins
delfi [#6] Guard 2-1 13-7 9-13 13-11
oh no split first map..
2-0 or 2-1 either way
NetVAL [#7] Yeah. Guard either looks really good or really bad. Rooting for them though, personally. :)
thats basically saying nothing, looks good or bad or competitive
2x1 Optic