Does Tenz actually care about the Teams success? He is playing Jett on every single Map they play and that's why they can't add a Sage or something else to their Comps and these things make the difference these days. Jett often gets lost on some Maps because many Maps are being played heavily with Smokes and Traps. I actually think Tenz might ask the Sentinels Management to move to the CC Team and wait until he gets sold once again. He has to do something like this because his reputation is suffering from these no strat Games. I almost wanna say he is not made to be a Pro Gamer. Aim alone doesn't help you win games. He is also not very creative and thinks he can use the same tricks over and over again.
Shahzam has a very poor personality and you can see this in his Streams. Whenever he gets owned hard hes accusing everyone of SSniping. As the Teams Captain he is responsible for creative plays and strats and he is the reason why they don't have a Coach rn. Not that i think Coaches make a big difference if you work hard as an IGL but Shahzam is not made for big Games. Why would you need a Coach when you are the best already, right Shahzam?
For me Sentinels is just the F4Q Team of NA. Team of Content Creators that doesn't take the Game that serious since they get still paid, doesn't matter win or lose.
Also the Comps are really weird. Why is Shahzam, a Sova Main, switching to Chamber and make Sick play Sova? It should be Shahzam Sova and Sick Chamber instead. Dapr should have played Smokes and zombs the Viper.
Can't blame the other 3 really even they didn't frag enough. If you have a Player that forces you play outdated Comps because all he can do is Jett and not adapt fully with Agent Comps you can't do much. 1 Agent diff makes a huge diff in this Game.
In short: Sentinels is done. Don't think to much they are the best or something. Respect the other Teams efforts because they actually do their Job. Anotherwise we are just saying Guard, c9, v1 was just lucky they didn't face Sen in their Prime form.