
mONESY only AWP?

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This guy even plays AWP in Pistol Rounds

I have never seen him with an AK or M4 in Hand lol


All this kid does is just hold a gay ass off angle with his AWP and one clicks people in the side of the head CT side. Fucking terrbile player tbh.....2 sensitivity 400dpi using trashcan. Anyone who uses a low sens does not have the dexterity to properly play FPS games on PC.

All the shitty baiters use a low sens to click people in the back of the head, or they are equally worthless and use the telescope gun and one click people in the body.


few awpers are hybrids like s1mple and zywoo

Smii [#2]

All this kid does is just hold a gay ass off angle with his AWP and one clicks people in the side of the head CT side. Fucking terrbile player tbh.....2 sensitivity 400dpi using trashcan. Anyone who uses a low sens does not have the dexterity to properly play FPS games on PC.

All the shitty baiters use a low sens to click people in the back of the head, or they are equally worthless and use the telescope gun and one click people in the body.

you cannot be real

Smii [#2]

All this kid does is just hold a gay ass off angle with his AWP and one clicks people in the side of the head CT side. Fucking terrbile player tbh.....2 sensitivity 400dpi using trashcan. Anyone who uses a low sens does not have the dexterity to properly play FPS games on PC.

All the shitty baiters use a low sens to click people in the back of the head, or they are equally worthless and use the telescope gun and one click people in the body.

a true hltv take

Smii [#2]

All this kid does is just hold a gay ass off angle with his AWP and one clicks people in the side of the head CT side. Fucking terrbile player tbh.....2 sensitivity 400dpi using trashcan. Anyone who uses a low sens does not have the dexterity to properly play FPS games on PC.

All the shitty baiters use a low sens to click people in the back of the head, or they are equally worthless and use the telescope gun and one click people in the body.

seeing this pasta after looooong time

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