This is an AI that generates random quotes, which are quite funny tbh. I had a blast looking at a few of those. You guys also try it and share some of the funniest ones you find. Maybe even share a few inspiring ones as well but that may be hard but still lol. I ask everyone to post at least one even the lurking pros and devs. Have fun!
The Website:
Few Funny Ones I found:
"Sticking to your vision ends when you drink puss" Don't drink the fuckin puss or you're lost mate....
"Any woman who is willing to sacrifice ambition for intestines deserves a pair of clean diapers" A valuable lesson for the women out there.
"Prostitutes become prostitutes because they want to make love to other prostitutes" FAXXXXX
"Rule # 2: Don't ridicule your parents when they're riding the bus" Come on you fucks who are ridiculing their parents, out of all places, ON A BUS?!?! unforgivable
"You can be a man. That's right. A man" Women crying right now
"The fault is on you if your dog is unattractive" A lesson for all dog owners
"Only Winners Worry About Bukkake" You're God Damn Right
"Tomorrow can Inspire you to get addicted to heroin" Come on guys fuck this tough ass life and get addicted to heroin!!!
"Imagine Stupidity" Imagine Being stupid, Couldn't be me
"Animals, they live to fondle you" WAITTTTT hold up, NOT THE FKIN ANIMALS
"Cancer (Jun. 21 - Jul. 22) forgettable role model, pussy-grabbing husband, submissive joke" Man.... he will not be missed lmfao