COMING BACK STRONGER THAN EVER!! - wardell on twitter
wtf u guys were doing since 2021 then LMAO
let's get some LMAO in a comment below 👇
dont drop wardell tho
-levi -rossy -corey
Hater [#4]Who knows, maybe this time he will be able to play the Jett one trick with a level of depth and entry capabilities that won't hamstring the teams secondary duelist to try and cover for his "unique" playstyle
too hard for him
juno_VLR [#8]that’s him trying to sound “motivated and coachable” i assume. he already has the talent. i’m a wardell fan over tsm regardless.
tsm fan xd
plas [#7]in mickey mouse tournaments 😈
They'll dominate those tier 4 teams, then they'll win some tourneys, this will lead to an even more inflated ego
EZ elimination from challengers too
dexter000111 [#12]They'll dominate those tier 4 teams, then they'll win some tourneys, this will lead to an even more inflated ego
EZ elimination from challengers too
i just want them to compete, they should have been doing those tourneys already. that way it LOOKS like they’re trying.
juno_VLR [#14]i just want them to compete, they should have been doing those tourneys already. that way it LOOKS like they’re trying.
what TSM need right now is a good ass whooping
They have the skill and talent just need passion