That's it. That seals the deal. I am no longer a T1 fan. This team is a pure and utter embarrassment. I officially will not be renewing my Tier 3 steel Twitch sub nor my Tier 3 Jamalballs45 sub. I'm going to TSM where they know how to run a team
That's it. That seals the deal. I am no longer a T1 fan. This team is a pure and utter embarrassment. I officially will not be renewing my Tier 3 steel Twitch sub nor my Tier 3 Jamalballs45 sub. I'm going to TSM where they know how to run a team
That's it. That seals the deal. I am no longer a T1 fan. This team is a pure and utter embarrassment. I officially will not be renewing my Tier 3 steel Twitch sub nor my Tier 3 Jamalballs45 sub. I'm going to TSM where they know how to run a team
That's it. That seals the deal. I am no longer a T1 fan. This team is a pure and utter embarrassment. I officially will not be renewing my Tier 3 steel Twitch sub nor my Tier 3 Jamalballs45 sub. I'm going to TSM Guard where they know how to run a team,
That's it. That seals the deal. I am no longer a T1 fan. This team is a pure and utter embarrassment. I officially will not be renewing my Tier 3 steel Twitch sub nor my Tier 3 Jamalballs45 sub. I'm going to TSM where they know how to run a team
That's it. That seals the deal. I am no longer a T1 fan. This team is a pure and utter embarrassment. I officially will not be renewing my Tier 3 steel Twitch sub nor my Tier 3 Jamalballs45 sub. I'm going to TSM where they know how to run a team