Why Rito is always biased toward Brazil , they could have given that slot to Emea or NA
Champions in Rio, calling it now
Let goo
Death threats+Naked man too much to handle
12 slots for masters is a joke.
They know if the civilized world gets mad, we will just cry but the Brazilians will send death threats to everyone at riot so yea makes sense
Rito is so bad this time although i'm from APAC region, 6 slots is little bit too much considering EMEA only got 3 slots
APAC don't even deserve 3 slots lol
you're downbad no need to argue with u
What did the accomplish at LAN top 8 and groups?
did better than NA and BR at champs
No they didn't... C9B beat the best APAC team
VS ain't APAC 💀💀💀
Nuturn played in APAC LCQ
We still cannot judge a region based in a tournament where people had Covid, Riot gave ACEND a free win, tilted BR region, etc. Riot is doing a poor management.
better dev team but bad management team
X10 and TS ?
Because BR will destroy? + so many investitors in region right now. I'm sure if BR play bad this year they will surely remove a slot from them.
They got grouped at every LAN... doesn't make sense for them to get more than 1 slot
Still same slot. before > 2 BR + 1 LATAM + 1 from Qualify. now 1 BR + 1 LATAM + 2 from Qualify
winning EMEA Challangers is actually harder than winning champions at this point
That the point mate that region is fucking competitive that they deserve that slot
No hate towards any region, really
I get why RIOT is trying to group the most viewers as possible
But 3 spots for EMEA... is going to kill the scene real quick.
It feels like you are fighting for nothing, to be honest