heretics problem..

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they are going to lose to XL tmrw and then lowel blames on his team and drops the roster besides him and builds poopy new one


Lowel has been brutally brainwashed by their team coach, noel. Such a sad thing to see, considering Lowel had some potential.

They put some random Spanish player as IGL and team is going to shit real fast
Foxy got done dirty, and I'm happy for him that he didn't get signed

ValdemieGC [#2]

Lowel has been brutally brainwashed by their team coach, noel. Such a sad thing to see, considering Lowel had some potential.

They put some random Spanish player as IGL and team is going to shit real fast
Foxy got done dirty, and I'm happy for him that he didn't get signed

Mertz was a great pickup, insane potential
Tenzki tho... Might have potential but it's still pretty soon for him

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