Which underdog team do you think will make a deep run in NA VCT?
I think that Akrew and Pioneers both have a shot at making top 8, considering the way they’ve been playing in T2 events
TSM corey diff
Tsm academy
flair I know but T1 having steel and the new talent will be very good
Akrew, KCP, but my curve ball is Ghost, NISMO and Koalanoob are a crazy talented duo and brawk and johnqt are talented as well, and ryann is also a solid IGL too, could def go far
TSM, T1, and LG too, but idk if they are dark horses per se lol
Akrew, TSM idc
User123 [#3] Tsm academy
T1, TSM, NRG and Akrew. Id really like to see Akrew or NRG do well.
Akrew, NRG.
T1, steel will change the game
t1, akrew, kcp
its faze