flag does not checks out
Hidden_Name [#2] flag does not checks out
French guys are like that.
what is south na? it's SA
south america dumbo
maybe he just from Marseille
Why you are calling South America of "South NA"? It's a meme or what? Sincerely question, explain to me pls
Frnc [#4] what is south na? it's SA
Copiummm lmaooo
What's the point? Every region loosing to Krü 😂
SA actually, USA is just North SA
Imagine NA always do bad threads to LATAM, and now they're copium with us...
and what does SA stand for? South nA
South North America?
It's too easy to bait ppl like you
man you guys from the north hemisphere really need some geography classes
Comunista [#15] KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK SOUTH NA man you guys from the north hemisphere really need some geography classes
Nice feed
8-11 doesnt look like losing to me
sheahhhh [#8] Copiummm lmaooo
KRU would have won since you added NA to their region they became chokers(Just like TL)
south NA is south north america, yea i know don't argue.
NA who?