Most overrated team ever
Why do people even think theyre like top3 lmao
Krychuu [#6]I agree. They take a lot of 1vs1 fights instead of Play like a team and they just lose those
They losing to the most pug team in champs (c9b)
EU_quiet [#2]5 rounds in btwv
you can easily judge by first 3 rounds tbh. its not even close. just like how acend dismantle envy yesterday.
You do not learn, there is hype for them because they have already shown that they can beat a tier1 team in masters3, they have a lot of work behind them, they train like 12 hours, with that dedication at some point they will moved to official matches, Gambit were also gods in scrim and they didn't do anything until they won master3, envy reach the final and it was also good at scrim, krü were always good at scrim and yesterday they were able to fight a tier1, the teams that train well sooner or later play well too