Val will only have 1 good NA team becuz NA scene suckarooni and EMEA/EU Will dominate scene ;-; but Asia-Pacific will always have the funnest games
man72498 [#5]i honestly dont even know why people at first will think na val will be any different to na cs. It literally the same players.
Because whole of NA CS shifted to val and no one from other regions shifted to val. so obviously you expect NA to be good compared to other regions
dexter000111 [#4]I never played CS and never followed the pro scene either
So cant comment much
But NA really needs to step it up
C9 will be out of playoffs too. And Envy are looking a bit shaky
Hopefully next year will be better, with improved SEN, NV, 100T, C9 etc
rise and xset might step up, geng and v1 might get better. i dont think tsm or faze will improve if they keep building rosters around their 'star' players
DIAZ_lmfaado [#10]rise and xset might step up, geng and v1 might get better. i dont think tsm or faze will improve if they keep building rosters around their 'star' players
Rise XSET, Gen.G, V1 definitely strong teams
Idk much about Faze so cant comment
As for TSM, they might never be good again as long as Wardell keeps playing Jett the way he does.