BR - NA situation

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When G2 posted that tweet about Sentinels everyone laughed at it, NA fans thought that Sen were going to dominate and EU fans didn't care since a lot of them considered G2 to be the weakest among EMEA teams. That banter was marketing and this is why that match had such a high viewership. Now i'm pretty sure that zombs is doing the same thing, even though I don't like what he did by calling the entire region "shit". It always happens that when someone makes fun of a region that isn't NA or EU everyone gets mad because the scene isn't fully developed yet in asian or south american regions. What I think brazilians should do is ignoring what NA and EU players/fans say, most of the time it's not hate, eventually Brazil will become a strong region just like in cs.


there was no need of this huge para, every 20 mins or so someone makes a thread to stop BR threads still u guys are creating new ones

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