stop being biased and accept

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Just putting here my comment on another thread.
People need to stop being biased fanboys at least for a second and use their brains to think. It wasn't fair for Acend, and also for VK. Honestly the best thing they could do was probably replay the game after the point where the first exploit occurred.
Stop defending VK or Acend like there is someone right in this history, it's Riot fault for not having a way to deal with it properly, this Champions is being a shit show because of crybaby fans and Riot's mistakes.


rito extremely small company, cannot afford devs to fix bugs, cannot see that a bug was exploited and stop the match there itself
even roblox esports is better than rito fucking biased company
people said that rito wants to create an ecosystem instead of just NA vs EU lmfao but with such decisions i highly doubt they gonna make an ecosystem with all regions

  • i genuinely wanna know that sinatra was accused right? he wasnt proved guilt still this dumb company banned him but what about this "looks innocent long hair money launderer" he himself admitted that he was involved in it but rito hasnt said anything in this matter?

HAHAH cry free BROZIL TO BRONZE eu will put u IN Water and then add Little bit SALT then we will MAKE free CRY THEN WE GONNA BE IN YO DREAMS SAYING "CRY FREE" HAHAHAHA

Hidden_Name [#2]

rito extremely small company, cannot afford devs to fix bugs, cannot see that a bug was exploited and stop the match there itself
even roblox esports is better than rito fucking biased company
people said that rito wants to create an ecosystem instead of just NA vs EU lmfao but with such decisions i highly doubt they gonna make an ecosystem with all regions

  • i genuinely wanna know that sinatra was accused right? he wasnt proved guilt still this dumb company banned him but what about this "looks innocent long hair money launderer" he himself admitted that he was involved in it but rito hasnt said anything in this matter?

It was a bug that has been used and may or may not have benefited VK but it was still used and that's a fact that can't be disputed. It was stated in the rule book mentioned by someone previously that it is not enough to immediately pause the match.. And why the fuck is sinatraa involved.

Newplayer [#3]

HAHAH cry free BROZIL TO BRONZE eu will put u IN Water and then add Little bit SALT then we will MAKE free CRY THEN WE GONNA BE IN YO DREAMS SAYING "CRY FREE" HAHAHAHA

nice copypasta, can u even read?

Mooony [#4]

It was a bug that has been used and may or may not have benefited VK but it was still used and that's a fact that can't be disputed. It was stated in the rule book mentioned by someone previously that it is not enough to immediately pause the match.. And why the fuck is sinatraa involved.

that sinatra thing was different, i was just asking that whats rito's take on bits scam

Mooony [#4]

It was a bug that has been used and may or may not have benefited VK but it was still used and that's a fact that can't be disputed. It was stated in the rule book mentioned by someone previously that it is not enough to immediately pause the match.. And why the fuck is sinatraa involved.

agreed its a bug and VK used it but the decision to directly give all rounds to that team is fucking absurd

SSolo7 [#5]

nice copypasta, can u even read?

hes braindead very limited vocabulary

Ol0f_DRUBiN [#8]

hes braindead very limited vocabulary

very little vocab KEKW KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK


hes braindead very limited vocabulary
oops repost*

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