Stop coping, I literally posted my tracker multiple times in my post history, I'm immortal 2 and climbing, open eu leaderboard and find Cereal Killer#007
Bro let it go
Ur gonna keep cappin all night
All imma say is if ur an EU player I can understand why u dont know about dapr and zombs performance in tourneys other than Masters 3.
Just take a look at their games before masters 3 (if u have time from ur 4th grade homework). u'll find many rounds where zombs and dapr held down their sites solo and killed 3 or 4 enemies (which is exactly what controller and sentinel roles demand). They both have top tier aim and game sense. and if u cant agree to that even after watching their gameplay then sure stay in ur delusion
That's my profile, im not lying.
Neither dapr nor zombs have good mechanics, they spray bodies with phantom and abuse run-and-gun a lot, if you want to watch players with actually good mechanics watch chronicle, cloud, purp0, tenz, scream, nats, yay etc, zombs doesn't even have half of mechanical skill those players have.
Sure bro and this is my profile im not lying either