Nitr0 switches to CS and S1mple starts playing Valorant the same day ?????
Coincidence ?? I think not
MilanTheMyth [#3]Nitr0 didn't switch yet, he is thinking
It is almost confirmed , it was when Liquid decided to move Stew and Fallen in transfer list
ok_1_2_3 [#5]why will s1mple downgrade maybe they will add another washedup player along with hiko
u do realize i am trolling didnt expect this from a lliquid tenz are you sure you dont love sen
Mrityunjay [#6]u do realize i am trolling didnt expect this from a lliquid tenz are you sure you dont love sen
BatChest I HECKIN love Tenz BatChest Mouse Grip BatChest SEN BatChest
Mrityunjay [#4]It is almost confirmed , it was when Liquid decided to move Stew and Fallen in transfer list
I'm pretty sure its nowhere near confirmed and stew and fallen aren't being moved until 2022