Ninjas in Pyjamas Ninjas in Pyjamas Inactive dimasick Dmitriy Matvienko chiwa Egor Stepanyuk Jady Yaroslav Nikolaev rhyme Emir Muminovic have confirmed Egor " chiwa " Stepanyuk as their fifth player following a brief trial period.

Ninjas in Pyjamas
As our exciting @PlayVALORANT journey continues, we say welcome to Egor “@chiwawaVAL" Stepanyuk - our latest addition to the roster.


Originally of Worst Players Worst Players Inactive Duno Mikhail Fokin arch Vladyslav Svistov 7ssk7 Artur Kurshin crab1k Aleksandr Pozniakov dinkzj Denis Tkachev fame, chiwawa went on to form TBD TBD Inactive Duno Mikhail Fokin chiwa Egor Stepanyuk arch Vladyslav Svistov MOLSI Michał Łącki Neex Sebastian Trela with former teammates Duno and arch , with whom he made a surprise top-8 run in the Cup #2 Ignition Series event, upsetting fish123 fish123 Inactive Kryptix James Affleck ScreaM Adil Benrlitom L1NK Travis Mendoza ec1s Adam Eccles soulcas Dom Sulcas and FABRIKEN FABRIKEN Inactive Limpone Linus Wecksell Shrew Gabriel Gessle PHYRN Oskar Palmqvist LATEKS Oliwer Fahlander in the process. The team was signed by Entropiq Entropiq Inactive ROUSIK Hasaa Radim Haša shortly after.

chiwawa most recently played as a stand-in for NiP in the GLX Elite Series playoffs, where he took first place with his new team after running through Gambit Esports Gambit Esports Inactive Redgar Igor Vlasov Chronicle Timofey Khromov d3ffo Nikita Sudakov sheydos Bogdan Naumov nAts Ayaz Akhmetshin and Prodigy Prodigy Inactive Happy Vincent Schopenhauer pipsoN Daniil Mesheryakov Boo Ričardas Lukaševičius hoody Aaro Peltokangas delezyh Niki Sutinen .

Prior to chiwawa's addition, NiP underwent significant changes, releasing Enzo and HyP and recruiting Sayf . With this new roster, the organization seems to have found its footing just in time for First Strike, which begins on November 9 with the first open qualifier.

The now complete Ninjas in Pyjamas Ninjas in Pyjamas Inactive dimasick Dmitriy Matvienko chiwa Egor Stepanyuk Jady Yaroslav Nikolaev rhyme Emir Muminovic is: