SEN Map Pool

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I feel like SEN map pool is odd asf, I see people saying and teams banning their Lotus. But they got hard owned on Lotus by DRX (probably best lotus team arguably), they used to be insane on Heaven during their champs run after losing to GENG they destroyed every team on that map. But now they look mid asf with this Iso comp. Split is the only consistent map I can confidently believe in them, Johnqt just knows how to play this map perfectly. As for Pearl, it feels like they are forcing this map but not that good. 100T read them so easily, just SEN just shooting better. Fracture…… As for Abyss, I actually think this is a sleeper good map for them, they looked VERY good against G2 in B05 and while they did lose to TL, they still looked pretty solid on it too. Bind ah fuck I get so much PTSD whenever SEN plays this map bro, the comeback during the off season and now losing 13-1 (despite the score it should of been closer) Anyways that’s my analysis on SEN 2025 so far. Anyways I didn’t mention some maps that haven’t seen them play yet but hoping to see some improvements on them since last year when they comeback into the map pool.


shut the fuyck up


sen should just start getting good on ascent
we all know that shit is not going out of the map pool


sentiluls is about to get abused so hard ngl


stop yapping


I think you are underestimating Lotus and Pearl quite a bit. Johnqt's calling style on Lotus have always been good, they just need to get more comfortable with the new comp they are running, remember rhe loud game when they were team flashing, getting hit by every cypher trip, not scalkng into sites and all that stuff? It was happening with similar comp earlier on Split as well but now they look like one of the best split teams again. So I think they can fix their Lotus if they go back to G2's Lotus comp.
I think their Pearl and Haven looks alright, in the games they lost on these maps, they lost a lot of pistols and bonuses, it shouldnt happen again if they prep well, also give some time for N4RRATE to get more comfortable on Iso on Haven.
As for new maps tho, they never knew how to play Ascent against good teams but they could beat good Icebox teams if they are shooting well. Even tho Icebox is historically viewed as one of the worst Sen maps, they never got blown out by anybody, they got at least 8-9 rounds if they lost, they even won against some good Icebox teams.


Icebox isn’t even a bad map historically for Sen lol they only lost to loud and lev on it. It can change but give them the chance to play those maps before making up your mind


I always felt like Sen players have mental block on that map and thats why they didnt practice that much and their stratbook always looked small. I think they lost Icebox in praccs a lot, or maybe its just players hate that map with a passion, esp. zekken and Tenz last year. This year at least, bang have always played well on Icebox, idk much about n4rrate but technically this year's icebox should be better.

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