I dunno since I am not a headcoach, but wouldn't the reasonable thing to do be to give FuckC9 a chance to grow in his position instead of bringing in someone who last played a whole year ago?
Suggest is very very close with hsk and solo, probably a nepo pick, but I feel like they still see something in him. Otherwise this year will be a lot of growing and learning for GENG
yall are pretending like the only reason suggest was picked was due to nepotism lmao he prolly did insanely well in scrims/trials unlike foxy. The coaches probably didnt see good enough improvements from foxy and benched him.
suggest has played one game give him some fucking time
Suggest was good 2 years ago
I hope he performs good, but I don't see the point in bringing in someone who was good 2 years ago, on a different role iirc and hasn't played for a whole year.
or maybe just hear this out? GENG with foxy9 and yoman were losing a lot of scrims. GENG with the new additions went on a 32 streak. I mean as a coach wouldnt you be hopeful for the new players? Solo especially is really high on scrims lmao
I mean ngl Im biased since suggest used to be my favorite player. But if they signed him I feel like something had to be going well for the team. If not, then it is 100% a nepo pickup
they trialed a lot of tier 2 players, like cabeza, DH, jaxe, I would have went with Cabeza or a tier 2 player, but they went with suggest. And Ash is the highest rated player in VCK, I think he ll do well with time.
good players often play badly in bad teams because they never get the opportunity to do well because the util calling and micro are bad
meiy is set up for success this is a completely different scenario
that dfm team was just straight ass ngl