If you are not from EMEA, discard this thread – bumps are always appreciated! ❤️
🎉 The registration for the nineth season of VLR Community Cup just opened for EMEA!
• No rank restrictions, we want to create an opportunity for people of ALL RANKS to experience a tournament environment!
• After the Signups are completed all Players will be divided into 5 Pools depending on their rank and then drafted into different Teams (Every Team will have 1 Player from each Pool)
• You may also sign up as a 5 stack, but these have certain limitations. Refer to management.
• Tournament Format depends on Number of Teams
• Some matches are streamed!
• Games are played on Frankfurt servers, unless both teams agree differently.
Registrations are OPEN now! Season is estimated to launch within 1-2 weeks.
Any questions? Join the Discord, or reply below this thread!
For the community, by the community.
This tournament is not officially endorsed by VLR.gg – it is only an event for people of the community to have a fun time while playing in an open tournament.