Embarrassing on a forum that I act differently than irl on oh no. You must be my biggest fan the way you stalk all my post💔 I really hope your financially stable unc your arguing with someone more successful than you at 16🙏🙏 stay mad unc😘
bit hard to not stalk ur post when u attention seek cuz u dont get validated outside of vlr💔💔💔
bro keeps bringing up about being rich and succssful when he cant even show a band😔😔😔 its giving wannabe rich💔
maybe if u took the time instead of shitposting u would be in a better financial shape rn, keep pretending to be something ur not buddy😘 enjoy these pity moments of validation and attention im giving u😘😘😘
but yeah keep telling ppl ur successful when ur a broke bum❤️❤️