With talon switching to a full thai roster, is it likely that frost might be out as the coach?
cxrsedval [#3]what brought you to that conclusion lol
just an assumption because it probably doesn't make too much sense to have an English-speaking coach for a full thai roster that would be comming in thai. i'm not sure how much thai frost knows but it may not be easy for him to understand the comms fluently and that's a big deal.
Jephin [#5]just an assumption because it probably doesn't make too much sense to have an English-speaking coach for a full thai roster that would be comming in thai. i'm not sure how much thai frost knows but it may not be easy for him to understand the comms fluently and that's a big deal.
he has already coached for furia so he has experience coaching a team without speaking the language so he should be fine