How does Rob Moore feel about Johnqt's korean "neighborhoods" and R-words like N4rrate(Racist) and Zellsis(TheGoat)?
Clucker [#2]Rob moore does not know you. Also he supports them whole heartedly
chat this reminds of the time all of sen piled on g2 for that suicide tweet. the hypocricy lowk insane
zhongZHI [#3]chat this reminds of the time all of sen piled on g2 for that suicide tweet. the hypocricy lowk insane
Whao, hypocrisy????
I supported g2 jumping off the map. Dont lump me in with s0n fans, im a SEN fan.
Clucker [#4]Whao, hypocrisy????
I supported g2 jumping off the map. Dont lump me in with s0n fans, im a SEN fan.
no that gun tweet like that sen fans rn. i only remember cuz i was like this shit stupid af
zhongZHI [#3]chat this reminds of the time all of sen piled on g2 for that suicide tweet. the hypocricy lowk insane
not really hypocrisy if they criticize both