My mechanics are bad but I need to know how I can improve em. Here is my DM Vod :
The_Preacher [#4]Super easy
Work on your micro adjustment
You tend to shoot earlier even if it is not head
Try to aim at head and then shoot
Requires a bit practise but if you want just don't shoot for 1 dm, adjust your crosshair as per enemyt movement or practise against hard strafe bots
Alright I will work on them , Thanks for the tip broski :D
kfan4238173 [#3]unequip that bundle and things will look up :D
also yr ping looks kinda shitty, maybe thats an issue
I will put ur name on my hitlist :D
yeah i play on college ping which is a different issue tbh , but my aim is horrible regardless :c
Cluckyistaken [#5]800 dpi and 0.4 sens
personally id recommend playing a load of dms everyday to just focus mechanics
on top of that i would invest in kovaaks (or aimlabs for free) to practice micros
and depending on how you feel i would try and lower the sens slightly to 0.175 1600 dpi (0.350 800) to potentally help with your over corrections
colorbot [#8]personally id recommend playing a load of dms everyday to just focus mechanics
on top of that i would invest in kovaaks (or aimlabs for free) to practice micros
and depending on how you feel i would try and lower the sens slightly to 0.175 1600 dpi (0.350 800) to potentally help with your over corrections
Thanks bro will work on my micros :D
if u struggle with consistency and not feeling comfortable when aiming 1 thing that unironically helped me was playing with a bigger crosshair for a while,for me it was easier to do consistent micro adjustments and ch placement when i dont have to focus on the middle of my screen as much then when u feel confident in how to move ur mouse consistently u can switch back to a smaller one
aaaa420 [#13]if u struggle with consistency and not feeling comfortable when aiming 1 thing that unironically helped me was playing with a bigger crosshair for a while,for me it was easier to do consistent micro adjustments and ch placement when i dont have to focus on the middle of my screen as much then when u feel confident in how to move ur mouse consistently u can switch back to a smaller one
damn imma try this , thanks bro :D
Bannruod [#16]I have never seen an indian play so badly ngl but is there any Indian player who plays ''normal'' level? lol
0/8 lore accurate german
Bannruod [#16]I have never seen an indian play so badly ngl but is there any Indian player who plays ''normal'' level? lol
What is this racist take
washedradiant [#14]your mousepad seems small asf or your not using the space enough. how much hz is ur monitor?
on college setups so i got small table , 144 hz