milostoj [#7]
Guys just place yourself in position of the team XD
You practice specific comp, you practice specific set plays, you use your time (you dont have that much of it) to practice and be good on something
And then someone bans the crucial agent you need in your comp
Basically the games would be much worse quality because of lack of preplanned gameplay and lack of practice by the teams
You can say that would benefit versitile team but its not like they dont practice, if they practice 2 or 3 comps instead of one that they play they cant be that good on all of them
I think it would go one of 2 ways
Either teams will start running it down, because they wouldn't know what to expect or will not have prepared for the opponent comp.
Else we might see actually teams try to strat on the go(Which is what I hope happens).
You don't need to practice 2 or 3 comps, you just need to find out what go against what and how you can pair your picks for set plays. I think bringing bans might evolve the way the comp is being selected right now. obviously I think the current comp selection wont work.If we are going to be banning we may need to know what the other team is picking as well as it happens in LOL. Coaches and players will have to come up with set plays on the spot. or they could practice 2 pairs. Like a initiator + duelist. on how they can take up space for execution and stuff.