Look at they way they are taking site lmao
It is not possible to win. Congrats G2. Enjoy this win because you guys won't win anything else this year after Waylay releases.
Dudhi [#2]the apac double dive duelist bouta go wild
New agent is literally Tracer. Tracer is Korean heritage.
Movement based agent = APAC masterclass
Dambi MVP
FlaymeFenix [#3]jawgemo top 3 neons world wont win anything on waylay? theyre clearing the board this year were in the G2 dynasty
we’re* and you don’t think they get burnout during one of the stages?
aimnobody1 [#6]we’re* and you don’t think they get burnout during one of the stages?
i mean any team can get burnt out, but also this core has been steadily improving for so long we can probably afford them some faith to not fall off like some others. who knows tho
aimnobody1 [#6]we’re* and you don’t think they get burnout during one of the stages?
do i look like shakespeare to be using apostrophes + flair + valyn owns rob moore
arin2016 [#5]New agent is literally Tracer. Tracer is Korean heritage.
Movement based agent = APAC masterclass
Dambi MVP
What about aspas,jawg,something(russian),florescent
they are good with movement too.
FlaymeFenix [#8]do i look like shakespeare to be using apostrophes + flair + valyn owns rob moore
brother💀 knowing basic grammar isn’t being like Shakespeare, it’s called not being an illiterate fuck.
pls go read more books and get off twitter and vlr💀