1.66 rating, 322 ACS, +29, 8 FK 1 FD, 87% KAST
I suggest for teams going up against EDG to deprive this man of credits and guns every time someone duels him because it always looks like he's going to win them no matter what gun he has. T1 were shooting back like hell too, but this guy just kept his cool all throughout the damn series. A lot of people thought the Pearl decider map was a throw from Muggle especially after T1's dominant performance against DRX on it, but historically Pearl was always one of EDG's staple maps, so when I saw this map be decider, I knew it was going to be special, and that last map sure delivered. I need to see a revenge match in the finals with these two teams
Also isn't it insane how a good amount of nail biter maps this year is on Pearl? MIBR vs Sen, G2 vs EDG and now T1 vs EDG. Love it or hate it, Pearl is a blast to watch