Is Team Liquid inconsistent?

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Throughout today's match it felt that TL even though have great ideas, end up shitting their bed (1st and 2nd map). The peak of this roster is amazing, trophy winning, but the lows are horrendous too. Wonder if G2 tomorrow can exploit it (leaf vs nAts is going to be entertaining)


didnt watch bind game , im currently watching 2nd map but so far

-Main reason behind team liquid's success is their :

1) Players winning Gunfights

2) Insane anti starts (ex: nAts double cage in B site to isolate zekken)

3) nAts igling , even tho coach cooked up solid game plans , nAts callouts and his reads in rounds are actually insane. Also his mid rounding is amazing.


Yes very much so i think its because of nats igl style he relies on reads of the opponents if it works out he looks genius and when it doesn't he looks dumb. But so far its been working out well


ngl abyss is a win for sentinels, tl throwing after matchpoint led to ot’s so just imagine one mistake and another can get them eliminated. they got saved on abyss and thank god full reset on bind making the map wins fair, shows tl have the chance if not for that abyss life game

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