2023 and 2025 SEN


It is weird how both of teams have the same issue: team chemistry. 2023 Sen did not have much chemistry because they didnt have much time in the off-season and played the musical chairs with the roster during the regular season and suffered from too many inflexible players. 2025 SEN on the other hand had time in the off-season and wasted their time playing musical chairs with the player roles this time with too many flexible players. I think the new SEN suffers from success, basically their players are too flexible and play on every role and they win most of the scrims with any comp but they lack the match chemistry. This must be the worst thing happened to Kaplan, their team is incredible at scrims, everyone is playing their role perfectly in scrims but when it comes to matches everything drops off, all the chemistry, calling, decisiveness and even the aim. They are finding their mistakes by hard way but I have faith in the players and Kaplan to fix them at least by stage 2, cuz they might not have enough time to get refined for stage 1.

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