G2 and VIT difference

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both teams are favored to win bangkok and are so called "superteams"

G2 wins rounds by always having numbers, meaning they would more likely to have numbers advantage even before postplant or retake because of their protocols and firepower (e.g. on attk even before plant it would always be 5v4 or 5v3 on their advantage). This is result of their core 3 of valyn, trent, and jonah fully understanding each others tendencies so they are able to set each other up to the best position to win duels and this even includes new addition in jawg and even leaf from last yr simply because of firepower.

VIT on the otherhand always has a chance of winning the round even if its 3v5 or even 2v5 simply because of individual mechanical skill. Not to say G2 cant do the same but VIT is more likely to be on these spots also because of their protocols, they take more solo fights (atleast atm), less polished set plays which is understandable because their core has played for only a year unlike G2's that has already played for 3 years and counting.

who would win if they played rn? close match but maybe G2 as they just play way cleaner atm, but if VIT gets more reps its a different story. VIT peak > G2 peak




The decipline to convert man advantages vs the raw skill and ability to win man disadvantages


ps. TL is about to get reverse sweeped by VITs shooters💀

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